Tuesday, January 12, 2016

How is Life in Black and White?/ А как ВАМ жизнь в черно-белом цвете?

Coat/ пальто: J Crew
Skirt/ юбка: Zara
Boots/ сапоги: Gabor
Top 1/ верх 1: Divari turtleneck+Juicy Couture cardigan/ гольф Divari+кардиган Juicy Couture
Top 2/ верх 2: H&M sweater/ свитер H&M
Beret/ берет: vintage French
Hat/ шапка: Juicy Couture

Nails/ лак: Dior Darling Blue
Lipstick/ помада: Estee Lauder Pinkberry

This look coulndn't have been worse.

I hate turtlenecks: their tight high neck makes me look like my own neck is short and my face is wide.

I hate the beret for this look: full skirt with a "full" hat makes me look like a mushroom hardly seen from above the ground.

I hate nude lips. I really wanted smoky eyes for this particular photoshoot, and naturally went with a common "fashion" of pairing them with nude lips. What a horrible idea! Fashion is nothing if it doesn't suit you. I would've looked much better with my favourite brownish dark lipcolor.

I was about to move these pictures into the trash can, but I did not want to waste such a beautiful background. I only chose the ones that show more nature and less me. The result turned out to be not so bad and even romantic. Lots of snow, countryside and wearing black and white... Like looking at my own old black and white pictures from three decades ago...

Худшего образа я придумать не могла! Во-первых, мне категорически не идет воротник-гольф!  Эта ужасная тесная высокая горловина безобразно укорачивает шею и делает лицо просто огромным! Надела его не подумав, просто потому, что он ... белый!

А еще головной убор. Хуже я выбрать ничего не могла: объемный берет к объемной юбке сделал меня бесформенной коротышкой.

Ну и губы. Вот терпеть же не могу эти "нюдовые" помады. Мне они не идут вообще, они делают губы безликими и мертвыми, словно стирают их с лица. Захотелось мне, значит, смоки-глаза к черно-белому образу. А к ним вроде как надо неяркие, "нюдовые" губы. Так вот, все эти "надо" - ничто, если вам это не идет.

В общем,  я уже почти было отправила все эти фотографии в корзину, но "выбросить" ТАКОЙ пейзаж! Такой фон для фото случается настолько редко, что у меня не поднялась рука. Я решила, что неудачный образ вполне можно компенсировать красивой природой!

And below comes the updated, the perfected version of the above outfit. All I did was replace the pretentious French beret with a casual American beanie, replace the tight turtleneck with a loose cowl neck and replace the deadly nude lipcolor with a more defined one ( I've actually only used a different lipliner with the SAME lipstick, by the way!). 

Only now, there is a great outfit and a disgusting background! Actually, is there anything more disgusting in the world than winter in the city?!

The only time winter seems beautiful in a city is the time before New Year. Everything is sparkling, everything is colorful, the air is full of joy and happiness. 

Now the sparkle is gone. All we are left with are lots of dirty snow, unbearable cold, overdryed flaky skin, lots of layers of bulky clothes, inevitable ugly footwear, endless baking and eating lots of unhealthy comfort food... Just the moment when we begin to hate winter, wish for it to go away and dream of that magical spring...

А теперь показываю этот же образ, но уже усовершенствованный - такой, каким он должен быть с самого начала. Я откопала из закромов своего шкафа старый-престарый (белый!) свитер, сменила претенциозный французский берет на демократичную американскую шапку с помпоном и накрасила губы своим нормальным выразительным цветом (на самом деле, я всего лишь использовала другой карандаш для губ с той же самой помадой!).

Зато пейзаж теперь отстойный! Грязный снег, хмурые люди, скучный серый зимний город... А есть ли на свете вообще что-то более грустное, чем зимний город? ДО Нового года город прекрасен: он сияет яркими цветами и разноцветными огнями, куда ни посмотришь - везде украшенные елки и Деды Морозы! 

А ПОСЛЕ Нового года город резко становится бесцветным... Черно-белым! И зима становится невыносимой, и снега слишком много, и мороз слишком сильный, и кожа сохнет и шелушится, и волосы электризуются из-за шапок, и приходится носить уродливую обувь и миллионы слоев одежды, и хочется бесконечно печь булки и пироги, а потом, естественно, их есть... И начинается отсчет времени до наступления весны...


  1. Olga there is nothing wrong with the look, you look beautiful, girly and very young. And that smile in the last pic.......makes me smile back at you. Beautiful snow pics, oh and I agree the beanie looks better than the hat. BTW I loooove turtlenecks.

  2. I love your black skirt and so stunning background dear! It was snowing! *-*

  3. So relaxing place! Like it, beauty ;)


    Mónica Sors



  4. Nice outfits, I wished there was some snow in here too!


  5. Winter in the nature is always more lovely than Winter in the city....but we can't have both at the same time and most of us will have to live in cites.

    Black and white is a timeless combo! I do like this monochrome outfit. That white turtleneck is soooooo lovely. I love wearing turtleneck and I never noticed they make the face wider...as for nude lip, I'm not a fan either...but this nude lipstick you have on looks really nice.

  6. I think you look good with turtlenecks! How good you didn't put the pictures into the trash!
    xx from Bavaria/Germany, Rena
    International Time-Related Giveaway: Bad News and More

  7. You look beautiful! I think you look good in anything and everything- and this outfit is perfection! Turtleneck sweaters look good on you :)


    Aiko Cunanan

  8. I am such a huge fan of black and white. I love the scenery in these photos, just stunning!


  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Lol. This post is so hilarious....what don't you hate about this look? I'm also having the same dilemma with one outfit from a recent shoot.....the outfit is ok but the makeup doesn't look right to me....am not sure whether to post or not. After reading yours though, I think I will.

    The turtle neck looks good on you, I don't see the short neck effect. Am not a huge fan of full, below the knee skirts with flat boots though....not with my height.

    Glad to be back on your blog love, been a while. Looking forward to more posts.

    Have a great week.


  11. What A COOL post, love your style!

    Alice Cerea,
    Alice Cerea blogger

  12. Oh wow that winter certainly looks brutal.. I am sorry to hear how unhappy you are! However, I have to say I respectfully disagree with your opinions on "Lifestyle" blogs. Lifestyle blogs do not have to be the perfect lifestyle, in fact I would prefer if they weren't. Maybe if you look at it from a different perspective you can really bring awareness to an underrepresented population. Such as being the mother of a disabled child in the middle of winter, maybe you can even start a foundation to assist with this. The possibilities are endless and I have no doubt that you are capable of pretty much anything considering where you live and what you do. ;)

    ou are a STRONG woman! I have no idea how you are having a baby at home and taking on such an ambitious food challenge. May I ask what is it you think refined sugar does to the body that is so adverse? Does this mean you are not able to eat at restaurants? I am proud of you!!!!

